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Mission:  To foster a natural way of life for humankind.
Read the Book:
Dear Brothers and Sisters:  Gender and Its Responsibility

Monday, March 14, 2011


We live in the Age of Technology; a description uttered with respect if not with awe, for it supposedly represents the most advanced thinking of humankind. A belief exists that technology will eventually solve all the ills of society and therefore societal rectitude requires the support of technological development.

To decry technology in present day society is considered to be an expression of ignorance if not outright blasphemy. To deny the existence of God represents free thought, but to not recognize the infinite benefits of technology expresses gross ignorance if not mental derangement.

Recognizing the prevailing thinking I will nevertheless state that technology is a sophisticated extension of gross materialism. It represents the ultimate ignorance of the unseen and focuses entirely upon what is seen. It indicates a lack of awareness of spirit and the purpose of human existence. Technology funded by large financial institutions has become empowered ignorance.

Technology caused the oil slick in the Gulf of Mexico and the collapse of the levees during hurricane Katrina. Gross materialism through its highly financed extension called technology runs and ruins our lives.

Technology has caused smog in our cities, pollution and acid rain on our food, pollution of our drinking water, pollution of our bodies from medicinal drugs. Listening to and using the communicative products of high technology produces hearing impairment in our youth and malfunctioning of their minds.

The problems with the nuclear power plants in earthquake torn Japan result from technology, as does the suffering of those trapped in Japanese high-speed trains.

Probably the single major detriment to society caused by technology is in the work place and the lifestyle necessary to accommodate it such as commuting, routine and boring work, or pay dependent upon continually increasing performance goals. Jobs are not natural; work is. The normal work of men since the beginning of time centered on providing the environment and means for women to nurture the race. Nurturing the race has little priority in a materialistic society; self-indulgence and material accumulation are its priorities, which in most cases require having a job.

The negative effect on society of jobs is so great that the American government has a cabinet position to address labor problems, and has established the Occupation Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) to deal with job related health issues. Occupational therapy is a major industry in America with about 30,000 locations generating 20 billion dollars in annual revenue. Job related litigation totals in the billions of dollars.

The cost of jobs is high to the individual not only in dollars but to the physical and mental damage done. Technology focuses on efficient production reducing people to work units. Jobs become standardized routines that eventually become robotized. In the process people become dehumanized then eliminated. This dehumanization creates stress that affects increasing numbers of high technology society members. The sale of tranquilizers, painkillers, and anti depressants has developed into a trillion dollar industry.

Technology does not cure, eliminate or eradicate issues; it creates them. It makes an omnipotent and omniscient God of matter that engulfs and destroys lives.

Technocrats look upon nature as something to be tamed, used and abused instead of something to be respected and cared for. A society that abuses mother earth also abuses its women by taking them out of the security of home and dumping them into the dehumanized workforce. Children are removed from the nurturing love of mothers and stable home environments and given to the state to raise where they will be developed into future drones of society.

Technology has not cured anything in the medical field. It has not eliminated any diseases but has caused many. Parkinson and Alzheimer’s diseases did not exist before the onset of high technology. Nor did diabetes and cancer.

The mutation of animals in the interests of scientific, medical and consumer research further evidences the abuse of nature and the insensitiveness to all life by gross materialistic pursuits in the interest of science and its practical application called technological development.

Everything that technology develops ultimately becomes a weapon. Everything! This occurs on the overt level and the covert level. Automobiles become tanks, planes become bombers, and atomic power becomes a means of annihilation. High tech communications become vehicles of propaganda and medical research provides the potential for germ warfare.

On a covert level, high tech cameras cover an increasing amount of human activity keeping larger members of the population under surveillance. Credit cards, toll cards, and phone records track an increasing amount of human activity. Personal lives have become an open book to those who have access to high technology. This knowledge by others about the every movement of people becomes a weapon that can and is used against society.

Educational systems focus on training and orienting youth in matters material with emphasis on the works of man, which increasingly depends on advances in technology. Students do not receive training in thinking, for the very nature of technology reduces activity to its smallest component so that it can be robotized. The feminine characteristics of reaction, responsiveness and recitation predominate in the educational system as it prepares our youth to obey and follow rather than to think, lead and create.

The student body of American universities consists of 38% males and 62% females, with male enrollment on a continuous decline. Real men do not stay in higher education. Colleges have become vagina vocational centers. The time has arrived for all men to leave the college system, reassess their purpose in life, rescue their sisters from their unnatural lifestyle, and start building a new society.

There is nothing that technology has produced that man was not able to do before its development. Technological communication is as nothing compared to the natural telepathy that exists among people who live close to the earth. American forests and African jungles are not filled with the bodies of lost tribesmen. People were located by and communicated with telepathic abilities.

The health of society has deteriorated under technology and flourished before it. Shamans, bush ladies, medicine men, and a variety of healers kept all races healthy throughout the world. Jesus and his disciples did a fine job of healing without technology.

The world of technology is crumbling all around us and at an accelerating rate. God in the blinking of an eye can destroy what it took men millennia to build. The recent Japanese earthquake serves as an example. It took only seconds to occur but resulted in tremendous devastation to the most advanced technology.

The international flooding that occurred in 2010 was probably the greatest seen since the days of Noah; it washed away technological structures on every continent. The infrastructure of the world is crumbling from decay, and that which isn’t is being blown apart by the war-based economies of materialism.

Long after the earth swallows the last edifices of technology, the Sun will still shine, the Moon will still reflect its light, and Mother Earth will still nurture us with her tremendous abundance. Humans will devote themselves to their propagation and preservation by living in harmony with the natural patriarchal structure of the universe as they move forward on their spiritual journey. All else passes.


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