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Mission:  To foster a natural way of life for humankind.
Read the Book:
Dear Brothers and Sisters:  Gender and Its Responsibility

Thursday, September 10, 2009


At a subway station in downtown Manhattan a man handed me a religious tract titled The Long Trip. The small 12-page tract contained a cartoon story illustrating the life experiences of a man named John from birth until death. He gets married, has a couple of kids and becomes deeply enmeshed in the “rat race” of modern life. They pass a man holding up a sign The Good News and his wife says “Hold it John, We need some good news.”

I interrupt the description to point out that the person who recognizes the need for change is not John, the man, husband and father, but the woman, wife, and mother. Getting back to the story in the tract, the man holding the sign explains there is only one way to heaven, and that is the narrow path…and Jesus is that way. The wife and children choose the way but John hesitates. His wife calls to him, “Come on, John.” The children say, “Aren’t you coming daddy?” Daddy says, I’m not ready for this, I’ll think about it.” The story ends with the wife and two children saved and John going to hell.

The religious tract skillfully promoted the modern philosophy extolled by all communications media and advertising—men are buffoons and women know best. Think of how this message resonates with unwed mothers who now comprise 40% of American motherhood and close to 50% of European motherhood. They already believe that children don’t need a masculine presence in the home and this tract adds religious reinforcement to that thinking. I wrote the minister of the church that distributed that tract and suggested a more appropriate title would be The Wrong Trip.

This tract illustrates the results of Western feminine and materialistic thought. The feminine psyche requires direction from outside of itself—that viewpoint is rarely challenged. The point of contention is where that direction should come from, an example being The famous Virginia Slims advertising “You’ve come a long way baby,” which implies that smoking expresses freedom from the domination of husbands and fathers. Female smoking eventually increased the incidence of long cancer in women, which resulted in the starting of a decades-long campaign against the cigarette companies and the establishing of various laws limiting or prohibiting smoking. For the government to ban smoking at a cost of billions of dollars is called freedom but for husbands—at no charge—to prohibit the mothers of their children from smoking is called female suppression. Tragically this viewpoint has received public acceptance.

European thought will always look outside of itself for solutions to its problems; therefore, it will always create institutions to deal with them. It gives these institutions complete power and eventually becomes enslaved by the very institutions that it created. Western thought has created all forms of government and all of them result in the enslavement of people.

In the natural patriarchal order the female attempts to mate with the strongest, most courageous, and devoted male who will provide the secure environment that will enable her to bring forth life and nurture it. The duty of the male—its paramount purpose—is to provide that environment and the means for the nurturing of the race. Western thought has turned that function over to the state with the result being disempowerment of the male, destruction of the family, loss of protection for women, and neglect of children. I have addressed these issues in other essays, and will maintain the focus of this essay on the spiritual basis of patriarchy and the Western penchant for creating institutions—including religious institutions—that destroy the family and enslave the masses.

The Biblical allegory of Eve being born of Adam’s rib illustrates that all things and all movement come from the masculine principle, there is no place else for anything to come from. Also, have you ever wondered why the serpent spoke only to Eve? She represented the receptive feminine entity. With the protective influence of Adam not present the serpent said, “Eve baby, I have a deal for you,” and seduced her.

Many centuries later when the Magi saw a sign in the heavens that a master was coming, they got on their camels and rode to Judea where they inquired as to who was born about that time. When Herod heard about this he had all the male children that had been born in the two-year period up to the time of the arrival of the Magi killed. There was no doubt in Herod’s mind that the Master would be a man, and he knew as the serpent did, that without the opposition of the male he could do as he pleased.

Revelations contains the story of a woman pregnant with a male child and Satan in the form of a dragon waiting to devour it. The dragon knew that with the male child and its seed out of the way, there could be nothing to oppose him. Upon its birth the male child is snapped up and brought to heaven while its mother takes refuge in the wilderness as the fight between good and evil commences. The issue between good and evil or any other aspect of control entails the necessity of isolating the masculine influence and neutering it. There is no other assertive influence in the physical universe.

Paul states “The man is not of the woman but the woman of the man.” This truism is also contained in the Koran, which states “He created you from a single being, then from that single being He created its mate.” Both of these statements are in accord with recent scientific findings that only the male contains the Y chromosome, therefore the male cannot come from the female. The motivating force of the physical universe can only come from itself, there is no place else to come from.

From the first book of the Bible to the last book and many places in between we find examples of the principle of gender and the patriarchal structure. What accounts for the clergy not understanding this truth?

The clergy, like their non-clerical brothers, confine themselves to feminine materialistic thought, which looks outside of itself instead of inside of itself, contrary to Jesus’ teachings. He said, “My kingdom is not of the world.” He further stated, “The kingdom of God is not in one place or another, the kingdom of God is within.” Those statements were not understood 2,000 years ago nor do they receive better understanding today.

To the 99% of the readers of this article who are of European ancestry please recognize that your personal, family, vocational, professional, and societal lives will not reach contentment until there is a realization of the inner being. It is this inner being that controls the outer world. To expect the outer world to make the inner being content is to court disaster.

Western thought by continually seeking to improve its lot by changing the outer world creates institutions that enslave it. The elder President Bush actively promotes the New World Order as an international government of law. Laws enslave people. The more people are in tune with the spirit the fewer laws they need. Jesus did not add laws. He gave the great universal law—love thy neighbor as thyself.

Through spiritual understanding people come to the realization that they have responsibilities, obligations, and considerations to give to human kind. The more these traits are practiced the fewer laws are required.

Getting back to the tract that opened this essay, by debasing and neutering the authority of the male the woman and children had to go to another authority for their survival—the church. By debasing and neutering the authority of the male society has to go to another authority for its survival—the government. Government and church are the two institutions Western man has had to wrestle with since the beginning of European society 2,500 years ago. They are institutions of his creation to which he continually gives unlimited authority through law and then finds himself fighting to free himself of their clutches.

By realizing the power within—by being reborn—man will no longer put his dependency on institutions. Instead he will realize the spiritual power within that enables him to control the world without. He will realize that it is spirit that controls the material world and not the reverse. He will come to the realization of his manly responsibility to provide the environment and the means for women to bring forth life and nurture it. The structure that enables him to do that is called patriarchy; it is based on love and understanding and does not require law for its functioning.


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